Bonding studies place adhesive tapes in punishing testing environments, where adhesion characteristics are pushed to their cohesive limits. The taping material plays a primary role here, with its reinforced backbone providing much-needed strength. Next, the thickness of the adhesive layer complements the tape because its influence is far more active than any semi-flexible material.
Wider backing tapes provide a broadened material base for the glue, but it’s not an active element in this adhesion product. That’s a job for adhesion thickness, a feature that operates volumetrically. Basically, the ranks and rows of layered glue work across all three dimensions as an elastic array. The wider the compound layer, the longer and stronger those chemical linkages will become. This one fundamental feature makes thick-taped sealants the ideal product for mechanically challenging applications. For example, products like Norbond V28120 benefit from optimized tape thickness for enhanced performance.
The tug-and-pull of a thermally active duct or wall panel stretches a gauntly profiled adhesive product until the tape is permanently deformed. The incorporation of a thicker adhesive film dampens this effect. It manages the expansion of surface parts by employing a superior elasticity modulus. Happily, all stresses are absorbed into the long chains of tacky laminate. Contraction and expansion events are a prime example of thickened adhesives in action, as are the vibrational incidents that propagate mechanically due to a noisy motor or loose fan belt.
Meticulous installation practices position the film and its sticky surface just-so, at least until the film encounters a rough surface. The meager covering won’t cling to the coarse surface or stick to fine-edged contours because of the lean dimensions of the chemical laminate, a coating that’s paper-thin. A dense adhesive coating, on the other hand, has volume to spare. The sticky adhesive, the primer, the solvent or non-solvent layer, they all mix uniformly to create the ideal chemical bonding agent. Meanwhile, the underdeveloped substrate bonds irregularly and does not form a reliable fix on this coarse external facade.
Paper and plastic tapes are designed to support the glue. They even go beyond the call of duty at times by supplementing the bond. The curing chemical compound, though, is the true performer here. Active by design, sealants and chemical fixatives employ an adhesive thickness parameter as a force multiplier. Three-dimensional strength comes to the joining parts by way of the dense curing linkages. Then, energy absorbing power quickly follows behind, thus acting as a noise, vibration, and expansion/contraction defeating mechanism.
For a variety of applications, thick double sided tape and double-sided bonding tapes are excellent choices, offering additional bonding strength and versatility. If you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us. For more information, check out the full range of products available at Foam Sealant.