A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) article comes soaring towards our curious visitors today. The intention is clear, and the implementation is fast approaching. What is Greenglue Noiseproofing Compound? An answer to that principal query is addressed first, then we’re on the fast train to application methods. After these key questions, we’ll wrap things up with safety concerns, a look at product availability, and cost. Let’s get going.
Defined as a noise dampening compound, this viscoelastic substance is designed to absorb the vibrations that we all know, and loath, as sound pollution.
Imagine a sheet of drywall. Tiny vibrations strike the wall, penetrate, and then they propagate through the adjoining space as noise. Using Greenglue as the filling in a drywall sandwich, we stop the vibrations.
The original walls are left untouched, then the second layer of rigid walling is coated in the sound absorbing compound. Pressed together, the inserted Greenglue layer converts arriving vibrational energy into easily dispersed heat.
This viscoelastic substance is a water-based, non-carcinogenic, non-toxic compound. Expect less than 5-grams of VOCs per litre when the substance is applied as directed. Also, thanks to a comprehensive fire testing program, this product can be used in fire-rated walls without impacting that rating.
Pressed between screws, the 0.5-mm thick glue cures. The product won’t start dampening the mechanical energy until the 8-day curing period has passed, so wait at least a week for results. Don’t worry, the sound absorbing capabilities of Greenglue really kick in after 45-days.
It’s not at all difficult. A 5-gallon bucket gets the job done, or the nominated installer can opt for a two box, twenty-four tube kit, a setup that’s easy to manage. If the bucket is chosen, do remember the bucket application gun.
Approximately $20 per square metre, as stated on our own website (foamsealant.com.au). That’s a cost-effective figure, especially when two tubes are known to provide enough output to sound dampen a small room.
Purchase noise dampening Greenglue from a reputable seller, someone who offers a worldwide product ordering program. Better yet, order the safe, effective, and powerful noise eliminating compound from Foam Sealant Pty Ltd. We’ll help you optimize the installation process, inform you about decoupling solutions, and go beyond a wall-based strategy, all the way up to the ceiling, another surface that benefits from a Greenglue treatment.