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Eternabond EternaCaulk for Small DIY Roof Repairs

  • Posted by: Kim M
  • Category: Article

Happily, small Do-It-Yourself projects can be handled by anyone who has a little home repair experience. Enter a DIY enthusiast, someone who views a minor roof repair job as just one more weekend assignments. This weekend warrior is confident, is armed with a roll of Eternabond EternaCaulk, and he’s ready to get his hands dirty. That being said, even small repair jobs can create big headaches.

Dodging Roof Repair Headaches

The job is halfway finished, for the DIY-er has packed a tube of EternaCaulk. In this case, with the hard-working home repair enthusiast having such a small window of opportunity, the project gets the go-ahead. Unfortunately, it rained on Friday night, and now that’s it’s Saturday, the leak area is still damp. A toolbox flips open to reveal the slender tube and its applicator nozzle. The do-it-yourself guy, with only this weekend free, feels a surge of relief. He’s read the label, and he’s seen that the tube of Eternabond compound can be applied to wet surfaces without any problem at all. EternaCaulk, a high-performance thermoplastic that exhibits elastomeric strength, can be applied to dry or wet surfaces. Instead of putting the project off, the skilled handyman gets to work.

Surface Application Guidelines

Just because this all-adherence, multipurpose roofing repair compound is so application-flexible, that doesn’t mean it can be employed without any consideration. Don’t throw caution to the wind, not when working on a leaky roof. If the job’s going to be done right and the repair is to hold, no matter what the weather conditions are, clean the area where the patch is to be applied. Wipe away loose paint flakes and accumulated dirt. Oil or grease, dirt or grimy scale, make sure the area in and around the leak is free of all grime. When this is done, now the go-ahead can be given. The all-clear is signalled, the cone nozzle is cut, and the caulk is judiciously squeezed into the roofing rupture. Remember, whether the damaged material is bitumen or metal, masonry or glass, that tube of EternaCaulk will adhere to the leak zone.

One more thing, before we can draw this post to a close. The preparation phase is where things can go wrong. If the repair doesn’t take, then the materials around the roofing leak probably haven’t been cleaned properly. To really assure surface cleanliness, use Eternabonds’ own application preparation products line. For instance, if a line of semi-porous masonry bricks is part of the repair zone, use EternaPrime to treat those bricks. As a non-residue agent, EternaClean can then be used to prep dirty roofing materials.