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The Importance of Adhesive Strength in Mirror Mounting Tapes

  • Posted by: Kim M
  • Category: Article

Sidestep the seven years bad luck adage by evaluating the adhesive strength in mirror mounting tapes. In a technology-dominated global infrastructure, no one believes in bad luck anymore, but why take any chances? On a more serious note, reflective room accents are breakable. Glass panels can break, and they will shatter, so a reliable mounting solution should always be used when dealing with this fragile material.

Where is That Mirror?

It’s one of those objects we take for granted, but every home owns at least one mirror. There’s one or more in the bathroom. Vanity tables mount several mirrors at various angles so that a lady can touch up her makeup. Vehicles also require at least three mirrors. Interestingly, it’s the rearview form that needs adhesion, for the other reflective glass panels cover side angles. Their housings fasten mechanically to cars, but the rearview mirror often fixes to the windscreen.

Anchoring Musings 

A reliable fixing compound is the one desirable feature of an adhesive agent in a mirror-heavy home. The bathroom or shower, for example, has barefooted adults and kids walking around after they’ve finished scrubbing. A poorly fastened plate of glass in this humid room would slip loose after a few baths and smash into sharp little pieces that would slice open the sole of a foot. Therefore, the adhesive strength rating assigned to a mirror mounting tape must be suitably high. Likewise, the fixative rating needs to account for heightened humidity and the occasional impact. Well, an impact-resistant rating isn’t exactly key here, but vanity-prone types do love to wipe away moisture with one hand when the mirrored surface steams up, so a firm anchoring component is advised.

Distraction-Free Applications 

Let’s use our rearview mirror application for this hypothetical case study. Dependable mirror mounting tapes support irregularly shaped objects on purchaseless surfaces, which means the rearview device needs a securing strip of double-sided viscous material that anchors quickly. Both sides should cure rapidly and unequivocally. Conversely, a marginal curing period can be added to facilitate finite adjustments in the angle of coverage.

Double-stick tape cures fast and anchors faster. The adhesive strength of the product rates highly due to the hazardous nature of the fragile material it’s securing. It’s also unobtrusive, which is a desirable feature for an adherent solution that’s intended for aesthetically inclined application areas. Finally, the bias of the tape turns sharply towards an inbuilt reliability factor, all so that glass breakage and distraction-free usage can be maintained.